Sunday, March 20, 2011

Response to Hannah Amsili's WISE Journal

It appears we have to do this entry for class, ho hum. I am going to evaluate the journal of a past WISE student based on several criteria, and this is the last entry I need to be completely caught up, so I'm going to waste no time. (FYI the WISE student is Hannah Amsili, and her project is a mosaic.)

First, the physical journal: Hannah's journal is paper, because she was in WISE in '05, and the blogosphere was only a fetus of the Internet at that time. Her entries are uniformly dated, and also titled. No complaint here. She even incorporates pictures, printed out and cut and pasted in - how quaint. She is clearly excited about her project, though she has a different way of showing it than I do. Her journal is replete with exclamation points, cute puns, and capital letters.

Hannah's handwriting is bad, but so is mine, and it's only sheer chance that you're not suffering through a journal of my handwriting at the moment. What surprises me more is that her entries are brief; I think I've already written more, word for word, than there is in her entire journal. This is not necessarily good nor bad. I'm typing, and I type fast, and there's a lot of room for extraneous words and thoughts and information. I can type in a sort of stream of consciousness, whereas if I was writing by hand, I might have to think more before I wrote. Which could be good, or I could lose the brilliance I have (heh) if it took me too long to get it down.

The nicest thing about reading this journal was that I got to see how Hannah's project evolved, and how her finished product wasn't exactly has she had envisioned at the start. My project, as you who have been dutifully following my progress are no doubt aware, has changed not a little since I laid down my first plan. Hannah's changed as well; from the location of her mural to smaller details like what grout to use on the backing, she made adjustments and made them well. Her finished product is a job well done. It gives me hope.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you like my WISE it still hanging outside of Mr. Nelson's room? Good call to do your journal in a blog. I should have done the same to avoid being called out for my bad hand writing...
